Tuesday, November 26, 2013

My Mom's Back!

Hello world!

Yep, after almost 2weeks, she is back. I know, I didn't mention it before, but my post was already long enough...

So, my mom needed to go to Mexico. We had a house back there from when my mom and dad just barely got married, and it still didn't sell. The paperwork just getting too hard to get done when it's done in another country, so she went to be there in person. She just got back on Wednesday, and it was so relieving. The longest I had ever gone without my mom was the 5 days at girls camp.

Literally that entire time I was eating pure microwave meals. I always have at least one per day, but one for three meals? At a point I felt like I was running out of options for food. And we had to do some chores. I rarely have chores, unlike most households. There is just that occasional "people are coming over, will you fix up the couch?" or "I have too much to do today, can get the rest of the plates into the dishwasher?" So we had to do more than usual, and even then I didn't clean as often as I probably should've.

Another two events. On Sunday, I read an entire book. I feel so horrible cuz I forgot to write down the name. (I'll probably try to find it again at the library and put the name/author on a sticky-note.) But it was a full-length novel. I haven't done that since I reread the Kane Chronicles books. It made my sister especially happy, because she doesn't really like anime and has been pissed off at me for reading pretty much Japanese comic books all the time. "That's not even a real book!" (An omnibus is probably as long as a novel, so whatever.) She still thinks I read too fast, though.

And last night, I watched the second half of all the Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood episodes they had. Earlier this week, I finally asked my dad for the login to his Netflix account, because a friend told me there was a lot of anime on there that see liked, and I didn't want to have to ask my dad to download so many series. So I watched a few episodes for a few nights, and I got up to about halfway through the second season, I think.

And yesterday was a half day. I started watching pretty much the minute I got home. I decided that to make it easier for everyone, I finally decided to use our sucky blue laptop for this, considering it was already in my room and no one uses it. So I was inside my room from around 1 PM to 1 AM watching Ed and Al. Even crazier than my Black Butler marathon! The dif in this one, however, is that I was moving around more often. I was switching between my bed for a few hours and then a few hours at my desk so it can charge. I was also switching between having the lights on or off. My eyes didn't end up really hurting as much, probably because of the fact that I got up more often.

I'm kinda mad, though, that they stopped at 4th season even though there's more after that! Apparently Netflix takes a long time to upload newer stuff to the site. (Like I think they had just barely put the 1st season of Adventure Time over 2 years after the series started. Sheesh, that was delayed.)

Ok, so I didn't really get as much time as I was hoping for to use the book to draw our Little Alchemist and his brother ("DON'T CALL ME SHORT") because we took it back to the library a week later. And I just wasn't really feeling like drawing in general, because I didn't really have ideas. (Drawer's block?) But on Wednesday morning, I became determined to learn how to draw a guy. Like I'm pretty sure I've said before, I am not really able to draw guys, especially their hair (or hair in general.) So I was practicing different eyes that I saw on teen boy drawings on Google Images. And yesterday, I figured how I wanted to do it, and attempted at the full head!

This is pretty much the first manga guy I've done that was my own character. I realize how belated this step in my career is, but at least it came. I figured this might be the guy that was wondering about my girl with the hat I made a few weeks ago. I'm guessing I'll make some adjustments to him and make a name too.

Speaking about names, I have decided between two names for my female. I think that giving her a name in JAPANESE will really make her sound unique and cute, since in my world most people have names in English. It will be either Mausu (Mouse, like I was talking about a few posts ago), or, to be ironic with my situation earlier, Mumei (Nameless). Maybe in the end her full name will be Mausu Mumei, and I guess at that point I just have to decide if people call her by first or last name.
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